Have you heard the term, Merchant Cash Advance recently? It is becoming a very popular way to hold your business over
during a cash flow lull. At Merchant Cash Advance America we feel it's important that you
understand how merchant cash advance rates and fees work.
Are Merchant Cash Advance Fees Structured?
A cash advance is not a loan. You receive a lump sum payment
of cash in exchange for a percentage of future credit card sales. Every day (or
month), you're obligated to send the merchant cash advance company a percent of
- If sales for that day are good, you send X percent
- If sales for that day are bad, you send X percent
How Do Bank Interest Rates Compare to Merchant Cash Advances Fees?
Some businesses can obtain a merchant cash advance more
quickly than a bank loan because the paperwork requirements are different.
Access to financing is more consistent. During the recent
economic downtown, lending slowed, even to credit-worthy borrowers.
Keep Your Merchant Account in Good Standing
If you need cash right away and don't meet bank lending criteria, merchant cash advances can help to keep your business afloat until your company's cash flow improves.Just make sure that you understand how cash advance fees and rates are structured within your agreement. Ask the company providing your merchant cash advance to provide a projected APR so you can comparison-shop more effectively.
Merchant Cash Advance America
7300 Hudson Blvd N
Suite 255
Oakdale, Mn 55128